Urban Pantry, The Cookbook

So, here is the short story - I am writing a cookbook! Here is the long story - it's not out until May 2010.

Urban Pantry will be a modern, clean, hip, inviting, whiff of elegance all wrapped up in one little book about how to cook economically and eco-fabulously at home. This is not your grandmother’s musty old pantry! This is an efficient, thrifty, organized, seasonal storage space or cupboard—a home cook’s go-to place for basic food prep and sustainable meals.  I will have recipes on preserving, using whole grains, and whipping up quick meals from your well stocked urban pantry.

Got any requests?  Send them my way!

I'm off to write and brainstorm in the gorgeous Methow Valley. Stops at Blue Bird Grain Farm and Sunny Pines goat dairy are in order.  I'll be cookin' and writing, writing and cookin'.  Always on the gogo, cookin' up something tasty!




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