Weekday with Steve Scher - Urban Pantry & Urban Garden Share

I had the surprising honor of being a guest this morning on Weekday with Steve Scher on KUOW - our local NPR affiliate. (Know that that means? That means I am one. step. closer. to Ira Glass!!) It also means I got to start that day with a crazy-charming man, an adorable & well-suited (literally) producer and a super a-team that made the whole thing seemless. We talked food, Urban Pantry, gardens, sharing your garden, finding love, finding land and more. Have a listen if you missed it! AND......for those of you checking out this site now that you've listened, I would love some feedback! Did you find what you were looking for here? Need more info? Had a specific question? I would love to hear from you here. Comments ALWAYS appreciated. Please and thank you.


Spiced Apple Chutney & Honey Pumpkin Butter Recipe

