5 for Friday - Marcel Boulanger, manager Cafe Presse
I have the great providence of being surrounded by inspiring people. 5 for Friday questions will be asked of artists, farmers, curators, creators, innovators, entrepreneurs etc – all of the people that I find interesting. Everyone gets the same five questions.
Marcel Boulanger and I met many years ago - too many to have counted or made note - through mutual friends. One of my first memories was that of Marcel hosting a small friends Thanksgiving dinner at his home. He set a side table with gorgeously plated hor d'oeuvres, had the dinner table set in full serviceware and greeted us all with a cocktail. His apartment was (and still is) impeccably designed and the Thanksgiving was a most excellent meal - moist turkey and delicious side dishes. What a fete! (Incidentally, this is also the meal wherein I learned the secret to AMAZING gravy is a splash of Madiera - Thanks, Jimmy! and that Kurt Timmermeister is an AMAZING pastry chef.)
Through twists and turns of life, Marcel can now be found working the floor and playing host once more at the bistro Cafe Presse in Capitol Hill. This small french cafe boasts a simple menu and affordable wine list and Marcel presides over the entire house with grace and hospitality. He is an excellent source of historical and design information on antiques, a fabulous cocktail maker with a gentle pour and a subtle fashionista who is always superbly dressed, without a thought spent composing his wardrobe.
Ladies and gentlemen, Monsieur Boulanger.......
1. What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Cold roast chicken from Le Pichet, watermelon juice that I made & a banana
2. What is one thing you do EVERY day, by choice? Crossword puzzle...NYTimes
3. If you had all the time in the world and no budget restrictions, what one project would you take on just now? (Can be a hobby, business, trip, etc) Open my own antique store, filled with all sorts of useful, beautifully made objets d'art...& let Iris (my dog) hangout with me...
4. Where is your 'happy place'? The beach: any beach
5. What is your signature dish - something you make well and consistently? Roast pork is the first thing that comes to mind, with roast potatoes (or mashed), pan sauce & hopefully some kind of fruit galette to finish...